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1) Introduction is a platform for readers and writers who are interested in reading writing publishing and earning money through their talents. Visit to explore our platform and services.

2) formatting, editing and designing

We believe in expert packaging where we take responsibility for editing and formatting your content and designing a perfect book cover as per your expectations.

3) marketing and promotion provides you free marketing and promotions for your book so that it can reach out to the desired number of the audience.

4) distribution

Distribution of the book plays a very important role in publishing a book and gives you the advantage of print on demand along with the distribution of the book on Amazon, Flipkart and the official website of

5) Author support and royalty payments

It has remained our top most priority ever since and is India’s only platform that provides 80% royalty to the author.

Since it is a platform for readers and writers both with the circulation of 4000+ users everyday.

Visit our website or download our application from the Play Store to get the benefits of all the services and get a chance to make your book a best seller.

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