How to self publish a book on Amazon India

To self-publish a book on Amazon India, you can follow these steps:

Prepare your manuscript:

Write and edit your book to ensure it is complete and well-polished. Consider seeking professional editing and proofreading services to enhance the quality of your work.

Create an Amazon account:

If you don’t already have one, visit the Amazon India website ( and create an account.

Set up a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account:

Visit the Kindle Direct Publishing website ( and sign in using your Amazon account. If you don’t have an account, create one. KDP is Amazon’s self-publishing platform.

Add your book:

Inside your KDP account, click on “Create a new Kindle eBook.” Enter the required information, including the book title, author name, book description, keywords, and categories.

Format your book:

Ensure your manuscript is properly formatted for e-publishing. Amazon provides guidelines and resources to assist you in formatting your book correctly. You can use Kindle Create, a free formatting tool provided by Amazon, to prepare your book for publishing.

Design a book cover:

Create an eye-catching and professional book cover that accurately represents your book. You can use Amazon’s Cover Creator tool, hire a professional designer, or design the cover yourself using graphic design software.

Set pricing and royalty options:

Determine the price for your book and select the royalty option. Amazon offers two royalty options: 35% and 70%. The 70% option has specific pricing and distribution requirements that must be met.

Upload your manuscript and cover:

Use the provided options in your KDP account to upload your formatted manuscript and book cover.

Preview and publish:

Utilize the online previewer in KDP to review how your book will appear on Kindle devices and apps. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the formatting is correct. Once you are satisfied, click “Publish Your Kindle eBook” to make your book available for sale.

Promote your book:

After publishing, it is crucial to actively promote your book to reach potential readers. Leverage social media platforms, create an author website, seek reviews, participate in book promotion sites, and consider utilizing Amazon Advertising services to enhance visibility and sales.

Remember to adhere to copyright laws, ensure your content is original, and review Amazon’s guidelines and terms of service to ensure a smooth self-publishing process.

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