"Happiness for some is a state, for others it is the way, but when love arrives, all pain is gone. An intimate novel about people unknown to each other, with mixed feelings that converge into a common point which is LOVE."
Rising above failure Drama Friendship Fantasy सैम और प्रिया दोनों एक दूसरे से प्यार करते हैं दोनों शादी करने निकले हैं क्या दोनों की शादी हो पाएगी दोनों घर से भाग गए हैं क्या वह पकड़े जाएंगे और एक अजनबी उनकी मदद करता है क्या हुआ दोनों की शादी करा पाए
Audrey Hepburn said “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” This story is about Sid and Neha, a couple who despite of having many ups and downs in their relationship never gave up on each other. Sid who is a hero in college amongst his c
Kyoko finds herself in the middle of an ageless war between the powerful Guardians and the ultimate Guardian who has become the enemy... a demon lord who holds the power to destroy them all. Secrets are kept and true hearts are hidden beneath layers
To Kyoko, mythical creatures are something you rent and watch on a Saturday night with your friends. When a mysterious stalker turns the shadows around her into dark corners with sharp deadly edges, will she be able to hide from the past? Darkness ha
WOULD LOVE BE ABLE TO SOLVE A MAN'S DOUBTS! When Victoria read the ad that said they needed an inexperienced model, she believed that this was her chance for a temporary job. What she couldn't have imagined was that she would fall in love with her co
This book is translate by Omar Faruque, Linguist কম্পিউটার, পেরিফেরাল এবং সম্পর্কিত বিভিন্ন বিষয়ের দিক সম্পর্কে এই ইবুকের তথ্যসমূহ প্রায় ৫০০-৬০০ শব্দ দ্বারা ২১টি অধ্যায়ে বিন্যস্ত করা হয়েছে৷ আমি আশা করি যারা কম্পিউটার, ইন্টারনেট, পেরিফেরাল, ইলেকট
Prologue Love and hopes are hard to find. For some people love it’s like a blessing in disguise and for some, it’s a curse. Some people find love in unexpected places and for some people, it takes an entire lifetime to search for it. Love and hope
"This ebook gives you fifty ways, which can help a lady influence her man to miss her in his life. Honestly, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Almost all ladies in love want to be missed by their man. Regardless of whether you are in a relationsh
My Best Of Love is a collection of four short stories that talks about love.
In this book we will talk about how both men and women love and about what all they hide.
পাঠক প্রতিফলন লক্ষ্য, দৈনন্দিন জীবনে প্রধান পয়েন্ট সম্বোধন ছোট গল্প সংগ্রহ। প্রতিটি সময়ে উপস্থাপিত, আমরা অর্থপূর্ণ শেখার এবং নৈতিক বিবর্তনের সন্ধান করি। আপনি কি পড়তে অপেক্ষা করছেন?
"Make your man fear losing you to increase the chances of a long term relationship. Alter your body language Give him the cheek. If you are out and about with your man, refrain from Public Display of Affection (PDA). Treat your man as you would tre
This book is translated by Language Bridge "এই বেস্টসেলার এবং অনেক পুরস্কার বিজয়ী আত্মজীবনীমূলক আত্মপ্রকাশের কবিতা সংকলন যাতে আধুনিক সময়ে, অনুশোচনা, বিষণ্নতা এবং আত্মহত্যার চিন্তায় নিমজ্জিত এই বেস্টসেলার এবং অনেক পুরষ্কার বিজয়ী আত্মজীবনীমূলক আত
Maybe I shouldn't have left the house with only that super sexy underwear under my coat, in the middle of winter. Maybe I shouldn't have visited my boyfriend at the office, even if it was Valentine's Day. Maybe I shouldn't have undressed in front of
"This ebook helps ladies understand how to make their men miss them. Adequate and excessive boundaries in relationships Boundaries in relationships can be vital. If one partner is in control of another, love can’t grow deeply and fully, as there’
What is love? Love is a beautiful feeling everyone has might you also have that feeling for someone that someone mimight be your friend your crush your family member or anyone you like but the main issue is that if you like someone for any reason tha
"This e-book helps men to make their ladies miss them to their advantage Minimize the time you spend together as a couple Stay apart to come together as a couple Spending some time alone isn't similar to being lonely. One can still feel lonely w
"This e-book gives you techniques to make your man love you more. Don’t ask him to forsake his passions and hobbies Whereas it can make life interesting to be in a relationship with a man who is so deeply engaged with their hobbies, this can qu
हेलो रोहित, कंपनी के एम डी मिस्टर भल्ला आवाज लगाते है। हेलो सर। कैसे है आप, रोहित मिस्टर भल्ला की ओर देखकर बोलता है। मैं अच्छा हूं, तुम कैसे हो, मिस्टर भल्ला रोहित से पूछते हैं। मैं भी अच्छा हूं सर, रोहित मिस्टर भल्ला को जवाब देता है। रोहित वो तुम्हा